Superintendent's Office

August, 2024
EJPS is . . . "A Great Place to Learn"
Dear Parents, Students and Community,
I would like to extend a warm “Thank you” for choosing East Jordan Public Schools. It is such a privilege to be leading this treasure of a school district. Serving this district and this community as your superintendent is a dream come true for me, and something I most certainly will not take lightly.
I have spent the last 25 years in education and have served in many different capacities ranging from middle school teacher, athletic director, assistant principal, principal, football coach, basketball coach, cheer coach, softball coach, school to work coordinator, and MC – you name it, I have probably served in that capacity at some time. With 15 years as an administrator, I am confident in my ability to lead, innovate, and collaborate effectively within our district. I believe those experiences will prove invaluable in serving and leading this tremendous school district from which I graduated way back in 1993 – Red Devil Proud!
Over the years both as a father, an educator, and a coach, I have come to find some truths in life that I will ask of myself, our staff, and students. These tenets serve us in all facets of life, and I believe are incremental to producing productive members of society. I will be a strong proponent for teaching our students that they are not victims – that they are powerful and that their decisions do impact their circumstances and those around them. It is essential that we start at an early age building the self-esteem of our students, our children, so that they have that belief firmly within them as they get older and life begins to challenge them with the struggles that we have all come to know.
I believe that life throws all sorts of things our way, and there are very few things that we truly control. I will be a strong proponent for two core tenets for our approach with students – we control our attitude and our effort – all other things are outside of our control. No matter what life presents me (a broken bone, my car is broken down, I’ve lost a loved one, etc.), I choose my attitude and how I will treat others. In addition to attitude, effort is chosen. Again, no matter the challenge that life presents me, I choose the amount of effort I will put forth toward that challenge. I will strongly encourage our students and staff to approach each day, each class period, each activity with those tenets in mind – we control our attitude and effort – everything else will be what it will be. I encourage you to have those conversations with your children as school approaches and as the year progresses beginning this fall. If we are to prepare our students for the challenges of today and the future to come, we have to empower students and cultivate resiliency.
Accountability is a tenetI value and have always admired in strong leaders. As an administrator and leader of this school district, it will be a tenet I intend to live by. Should we fall short, it will be my responsibility to ensure that wrongs are righted and we are accountable to the East Jordan community. As superintendent, I will expect accountability from our staff and students alike. In the endeavor of educating tomorrow’s leaders, it is essential that accountability is instilled in our future generations – we are powerful – we are not victims. As parents, you can expect accountability from our school. We would ask the same from parents. Educating our youth is a partnership that requires we recognize we all have a role in their success – our students are worth it!
A school district serves the community it operates within. As superintendent, I believe strongly in service leadership and being mindful of my duty to our families and their children. I am here to serve you and the families of this school district. You can count on our staff and me to be professionals, and to provide a high quality education befitting your children. We are here to serve you.
Let’s have a terrific school year and start something special together!
With gratitude and Red Devil Pride!
Enos M. Bacon III