Staff Resources
Thank you for visiting the Staff Resources page. To access staff forms and links, you must have the proper credentials. Contact your building secretary with any questions.
Business Office Forms and Information
TSA Consulting 403(b) Retirement Information for EJPS (including forms)
Michigan Retirement Investment Consortium - Employee 403b plans in Michigan
Calendars and Other Information
Char-Em Professional Learning - Find Professional Learning offerings by the ISD
Building Usage Request - For staff members to request use of facilities (gym, auditorium, cafeteria, etc.) during and outside of school hours
Internal Transportation Request - Please use this form for any field trips or other transportation needs that is NOT related to sports or beginning/end of day transportation.
Staff Links
Pivot - Goals and Evaluations
Planbook - Lesson Plans
PowerSchool - Teacher - Grades and Attendance
NWEA - Student Growth Testing
Red Rover - Absence Requests
SafeSchools Vector Trainings - Required Annual Staff Trainings