Welcome to East Jordan Middle School/High School
We are proud to offer a comprehensive curriculum that is personalized to help students achieve educational excellence.
Course options range from college preparatory to Career and Technical Education classes, all designed to help students have a positive transition from high school to the world of work or to post-secondary education.
East Jordan High School’s high achieving students have the opportunity to enroll in AP English, AP U.S. History, AP Spanish, AP Drawing and AP 3D Design as well as Honors courses in English.
Middle and High School students are enriched by programs funded by grants from the East Jordan Learning Alliance, the Malpass Foundation and the Charlevoix County Community Foundation.
Members of the Class of 2024 earned over $265,240 in local scholarships.
Members of the Class of 2024 earned college credits through dual enrollment, direct credit options, and AP exams prior to graduation.
EJHS business students consistently qualify for national competitions in the Business Professionals Association, a competition that measures a students’ business-related skills.
EJMHS offers a variety of Career and Technical Education courses including Accounting, Automotive Technology, Business Management Technology, Computer-Aided Design, Furniture and Woodworking, Intro to Construction, Marketing, Retailing and Welding.
Contact Us
Middle School/High School
101 Maple Street/PO Box 399
East Jordan, MI 49727
231-536-2259 Phone
231-536-3536 Fax
Matt Hudson, Principal
Janae Russell, Assistant Principal
Kim Prebble, Secretary
Nancy Redwine, Secretary
Adam Grybauskas, Athletic Director
Phyllis Olszewski, Athletic Director